Posted by: Kate | September 26, 2009

forms of entertainment

These hot Ukiah days are tough for all of us, and we all deal with the heat in different ways. Some people relax with a cold beer, but pregnant farmer ladies like me have to get creative in order to cool our heels. Me? I like to spend the afternoon playing a little game I call Sprinkle Time with our Tamworth Pigs. It works like this: I get out the hose, and begin filling the pigs’ wallow. They get excited, and start to try and bite the stream of water. I spray the pigs directly with the hose, and they begin to dance around, back and forth, through the “sprinkler”.

IMG_9405 Lather, rinse, repeat. For about five to ten minutes, until they get exhausted and pass out in the mud.


  1. Lovely blog! and this sounds super cute to see, I like their style 🙂

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